We have a mission!

We want to act now, to preserve tomorrow.

Our mission is to support organizations in reducing their digital environmental footprint.

We don’t seek maximal profit. We seek maximal impact.


Guess what? We are human!

Céline Carle-Faye

Co-founder and board member, committed and experienced trainer, Céline enjoys passing on her knowledge through certified training courses and workshops. Her goal: guide you towards more ethical and sustainable digital practices, in a concrete way.

Louise Aubet

As head of the R&D department, Louise has quickly made herself indispensable to the team, both on technical aspects and for her home-made cakes. She can tell you everything from the best hiking spots to the key methodological details of a life-cycle analysis. She is also an animator for the Digital Collage and Climate Fresk.

Hugo Blanadet

Hugo loves being around people which is why he is taking care of Resilio's Partners. Graduated from EPFL and certified in 'Green IT,' he brings practical expertise to our clients. He facilitates workshops such as Climate, Digital Fresk and Econum. Connect with Hugo for insights within our Partner's Community or to go climbing, he won't resist!

Matheo Godenzi

Matheo in three words: the Swiss Army knife. He makes his engineering technical tools available to his clients to adapt to their needs and guide them towards concrete solutions for reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology.

We do not pretend to be perfect, so here are ...

...our strengths...

    ...and our possible improvements!


      Sustainability report 2022

      • Resilio integrates in its ecosystem
      • Implementation of governance rules
      • Actions on the working conditions of our employees
      • The exemplary nature of our practices in favor of the environment
      sustainability report

      Our values!



      Our R&D department paves the way towards cutting edge solutions to ease environmental assessment.

      • We developed ResilioDatabase, an innovative solution to assess the environmental impacts of any IT hardware device.
      • We collaborated with the ADEME, the French Environmental Agency to elaborate the latest referential (Product Category Rules, PCR) to assess the footprint of Information Systems.


      Team, values and history, our identity.

      • We believe that our employees excel when they enjoy what they do, so we prioritize placing humans at the center of our organization.
      • We organize two internal seminars per year to bring the team together and broaden the perspectives of each department with diverse points of view.


      Our strong sense of community and collective progress

      • One of our goals is to enhance the competencies of the entire ecosystem by creating a community of customers and partners.


      No matter how we work together, we commit to provide excellent services, and deliver strong positive impact.

      • We intend to work with all types and sizes of organizations and do voluntary work.
      • To make the most of our efforts, we are in the process of getting B-Corp certified.

      We take pride in the progress we have achieved


      Joint venture with Kleis Technologies

      April 2024

      After the release of Cloud Assess, Resilio is officially creating a dedicated entity with its partner Kleis Technologies around the concept of "PCR as code".


      Brand new products

      September 2023

      We are pathfinders: we invest in cutting edge tools


      CHF 1 million revenue

      January 2023

      Achieved in the first 12 months with a positive balance.


      Open partnerships

      November 2022

      Time has come to cooperate: planetary crises call for action.


      Resilio first step

      January 2022

      Out of EPFL Blaze Accelerator, we are now in the real world.

      The institutions that support us

      We are transparent from A to Z: Meet our suppliers


      Infomaniak is not only a supplier but also a client. Aligned with our commitment to a more sustainable IT, they provide a range of hosting services. That's why our platforms and websites are lovingly hosted by Infomaniak in Geneva.


      Marie Husson

      Marie Husson, our talented UX/UI designer, brings the beauty to our products and website interfaces. Based in the West of France, she operates independently and is an active member of GreenIT.fr. When it comes to design, we trust her expertise and give her a call!


      DGTZ serves as our Information Systems supplier, providing us with managed services for our ERP/CRM, file management, and team chat. All these services are built on free software and are hosted by Leaseweb & Contabo. This strategic decision to diversify hosting assets was made for risk management purposes, ensuring the resilience of our operations.

      Marie Van der Marlière

      Freelance since 2010, Marie-graphiste has been designing upbeat and cleancut layouts for over 20 years and has sharpened her eye in corporate communication, with a particular knack for internal, HR & cybersecurity related projects. Her favorite means of translating words into images are infographics and data-visualization.